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What is Labor Day and Why Do We Celebrate it?

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Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of each September. This is a federal holiday where workers are able to take the day off and spend time with friends and family. This holiday was first observed in 1882 in New York with many other states adapting it through subsequent years and in 1994 Labor day was made a legal holiday by Congress. The idea and goal of Labor Day is to celebrate and honor the working class.

Throughout the United States, Labor Day is celebrated in various ways such as parades, parties, cookouts, or even park events or festivals. The labor force of the United States is what our country is built on and the people who contribute to this group work hard to support our communities, families, and government. A day to celebrate workers is important and should be remembered and recognized. Many Americans see Labor Day as the official end of Summer and begging of Autumn.

With the pandemic coming to an end and the world getting back to normal we once again can have our local and national celebrations and get-togethers. The labor force was uniquely affected by this time and many people were out of work or unable to return to jobs because of closures. This holiday weekend is the perfect time to celebrate these individuals for their efforts and to remember all the work they have put in for all of us. We know that through all generations the labor force is dedicated and strong and we are honored to celebrate their achievements and efforts. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.